Two adults hugging, outside on a sunny day

Rescue. Restore. Empower.

Core Values

It takes empowered people to empower the world’s most vulnerable. Our Core Values keep us focused on our mission and connected to a greater purpose that involves us all.

Human Dignity: We affirm that all people have intrinsic, unique value and therefore deserve respect and an opportunity to thrive. Honoring this lifts others above ourselves. 

Best Interest of the Child: We believe each child and each child’s situation is unique. Their individual best interest needs to be the guiding principle and primary consideration for all we do. 

Sustainability: We address sustainability from two directions. Lifelong impact prepares our children for independence and giving back. Operational sustainability ensures Horizon will be around for generations to come. 

Cultural Sensitivity: We strive to operate in ways that are relevant and sensitive to local cultural values and customs, forging positive ties with local communities and cooperating with governmental organizations whenever possible.  

Symbiosis We were created for relationship. Together we can pursue a purpose beyond ourselves and uncover the deeper meaning of our shared humanity.