Young woman sitting at a table with a sewing machine smiling, wearing a pink and white striped zip up sweatshirt

Rescue. Restore. Empower.


Over the years our impact has rippled out to many children, youth, families, staff, partners, donors and countries. It continues to multiply as more individuals and corporate partners, just like you, join our global family.

Dorice’s Story of Impact

Horizon’s Youth: Continuing Education

Horizon Empowers Connection


Inspiration to continue this mission and vision comes to life in our conversations and storytelling with the children and communities we serve.

2023 Impact Snapshot


children/youth being supported


children/youth in home based care


children/youth in education


in college/ university


Inspiration to continue this mission and vision comes to life in our conversations and storytelling with the children and communities we serve.Tuck into the many stories and be inspired to join us in empowering more children, youth and families to self-sustainability.

Join our community of monthly donors. When we come together, our impact swells to more than we could ever do in isolation. The Swell ensures consistent and sustainable services for each child in our care.