Rescue. Restore. Empower.

Get Involved

20-Year Celebration

Join us as we celebrate 20 years of empowering orphaned and vulnerable children towards self-sustainability. September 28th at the Lancaster Marriott. Get your tickets now!

Monthly Giving

Join our community of monthly donors. When we come together, our impact swells to more than we could ever do in isolation. The Swell ensures consistent and sustainable services for each child in our care.

Horizon Coffee

Coffee Subscription: Drink coffee that directly benefits children, youth and families with every sip. Join our coffee subscription and know you’re drinking coffee goodness!

Corporate Sponsorship

Become a corporate sponsor with many opportunities to partner through Direct Giving, Employee Give n’ Match program, Brand Collaborations, and more.


Join entrepreneurs, philanthropists, corporate partners, and international development partners intentionally focused on valued-aligned philanthropic support and partnership within the countries we work in.

Prayer + Contemplation

The work we do and the lives we intersect with can get messy, complex and require more than our own strength. This is where Prayer + Contemplation comes in for us. Join our team in praying through the breakthroughs and celebrations experienced.

Contact Horizon

Want to connect further, have more questions? Contact us today and a member of our team will get back to you. Let’s empower more children, youth and families together!